Mediator & Facilitator
Jeff Vinsonhaler
Jeff is a professionally certified Divorce and Family Law Mediator, endorsed state certified Facilitator and tutor of skill building in the field of Mental Health with over 14 years of working with complex family needs. He has graduate education toward Clinical Counseling and a B.S. from Bellevue University and. Jeff enjoys employing his vast experience and education to help preserve family relationships.
Doug Gentry
Doug graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology and began his professional career at the Southwest Iowa Juvenile Detention Center, first as a Youth Care Worker and later as a Youth Care Supervisor. Doug spent thirteen years as a Juvenile Court Officer supervising children who had been placed on probation by the Court. Doug believes that building positive, professional relationships with children and families is extremely gratify and worthwhile work, and hopes to continue in this capacity for many years to come. In addition to providing in-home BHIS and FCS services, Doug is also a certified Family Team Meeting Facilitator.
Alesha Walker